
A tool that summarizes and explores temporal data sets with quantitative values

You can use it to visualize thousands of time series, and select multiple groups by direct manipulation. In addition, it works as a reactive widget that can be added to other applications, returning the selected groups in real time.

Group Selection Detailed View Reference Lines

Try it!

You can test timeSearcher+ right now with your own CSV data (less than 200MB), in TimeSearhcer+: Test your own data

Or you can test it with the KMC weights data, in TimeSearcher+: KMC weights


 npm install anonymized 

Requires ^popper.js@2.11.6, ^d3@7.8.2 and ^htl@0.3.1.

Step by step

  1. HTML. Start with this template
  2. Import TimeSearcher+. Create and import a new JavaScript file below the scripts (d3, Popper and TimeSearcher+) or right in the html like in the example below
  3. Create a TimeSearcher+ Instance.
  4. [Optional] Configure TimeSearcher render.
  5. Set the data. The file containing the reference lines will be a json file with the following definition:

Source Code

The widget code is available here

To compile the code you should follow the instructions:

Go to the package download location

Install the project

At this point you should have the project compiled in the folder dist, with the files


TimeSearcher+.js is licensed under the MIT license. (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)e

Why this page?

This page has been created to maintain anonymity in the process of submitting a short-paper to ieeevis. This documentation is also available in the code repository on github (which we do not link to maintain anonymity) and on the NPM page.